tirsdag 30. august 2011

For my Norwegian readers :)

Jeg har lyst å dele noe med dere :D

For når jeg prøver noe jeg synes funker
så liker jeg å dele det med andre :)

Når jeg var hjemme i Harstad sist
så satt jeg hårmodell på

Nikita frisørsalong,
Kanebogen senter

for noe som heter 

advanced haircare

Den ser høyteknologisk ut ikke sant? :)

Det er en  dyptvirkende hårkur
som gjenoppretter hårets struktur
og som har en langtids effekt på håret ditt

Mitt problem er at håret mitt blir slitt av alt fra sol, farge, hårføning, forurensing etc etc
OG resultatet av det er... 

Håret FLOKER seg!! 

det deler seg
det fliser seg
det ser tørt ut
det faller av

I mitt yrke er det en klar ulempe
-for tenk hvor lenge stylisten må jobbe for å få det til å se bra ut før en shoot
jeg sliter de stakkarene helt ut!!
De må dusje etter en sånn seanse!

Så jeg takket ja til å sitte hårmodell for Nanomax...
og jeg angrer ikke!

Sjekk forskjellen!!

Det ser jo nesten ut som om håret mitt er tjukt jo!!
Mye bedre en piasava kosten jeg hadde før ;) 

En LITT annen kvalitet på håret ja!

Jeg skulle egentlig ha 2 omganger siden håret mitt var så skadet
-men jeg dro til Oslo dagen etter så det var dessverre ikke tid
Neste gang!

Selve prosessen var så utrolig behagelig
det var rett og slett børsting av håret i en HEL time!
Jeg satt i ørska og himla med øynene :)
Jeg er sikker på at jeg lagde lyd også hihi!
Jeg ELSKER å bli pjuska i håret...ahhhhh!

Og nå-
to uker etterpå er håret ennå silkemykt
og jeg kan fortsatt dra handa gjennom det uten at det lugger!!

Selv da jeg klatra inn vinduet hos Pappa i gamlehuset
-og håret burde satt fast i en treflis eller mygg nettingen
for så elektrisk var det!
Men det var så mykt at både håret og jeg sklei gjennom vinduet

I tillegg har jeg vært og fått håret klipt over hele verden..
Oslo, New York, L.A for å nevne de byene jeg har bodd i over lengre tid...

Og de klarer ikke klippe håret mitt
uansett hvor lenge jeg forklarer hva jeg vil ha!
(ja, jeg forklarer det på engelsk også...)

Elinor på Nikita skjønte det PRONTO
og klipte meg på 10 min!!
endelig noen som skjønte hva jeg mente
Så nå får jeg klippe meg sommer og jul når jeg er hjemme!
Eller så må hun komme hit på ferie innimellom ;)

mandag 29. august 2011

May started out REAL good :)

Let me start off with telling you how my last 3 months have been...

1st month:


After travelling for some weeks working really hard
i was greeted by this lovely fellow at LAX :)

PS! Its not a random dude i picked up at the food court...
It´s my Boo visiting from Norway :D

NOT to shabby!!
A good start for the month of May ;)

To get some ehhhmm.."quality" time to ourselves ;)
we went to


Hopped in my kick ass car and off we went!!

One can´t go to Santa Barbara without doing some wine tasting!!
We went to 3 different wineries,- here is a pic from Sanford winery
really nice with great wines!!

And here is a pick when we were still really sober... :)

Morten tried to read my fortune from the bottom of the wine glass...
He said we would get reaaally tipsy in the near future!
He was right!! How freaky is that!

The tasting menu :)

We rented bikes and rode them along the beach
"Someone" was a bit rusty (haha) ,- but we loooved it!!

Rode into the sunset...
Its SO romantic that i almost get queazy sayin´ it out load! 

See? ;)

There were some REALLY cute places in Santa Barbara
-okey, so i like colors and lightbulbs- sew me!!

The scenery made me think...
"We are SO coming back here!!"

Its apparently a romantic haven for other people too...

Back in L.A we set out to try all kinds of amazing cuisine...and beer haha!
Colorful, tasteful and like a taste bomb go off in your mouth! POW!

The best Onion soup in the world at the French Market Cafe!

And its always good to follow the good taste of friends- and their advice!
Thanx Hallgrim for taking us to the best sushi experience ever!!!

A teeeny teeeny bit sceptic...

What night is perfect, unless we end it with some male bonding!
NOT bondAGE people!! bonDING!!

I don´t know WHICH cartoon these two are taken out of?
But they are enjoying the whiskey at "Whiskey" on Sunset ;)

After living the good life with great food and drinks...
we needed to compensate...

What else to do
but to work out the La La way!!

We hiked and jogged in Runyon Canyon
in something that felt like 100 degrees- phew!!!

Did i fail to mention that i am from ABOVE the Arctic cirlce??
I´m used to working out in polar suits in snow!!

I was DYING!!!
I was sitting ON the aircondition for hours after hiking!!

While my dearest seemed like he hadn`t done anything else his whole life...
which made me wanna knock him out!!

My spirits came back when we threw an american football around :D
Yes, its not round like the soccer ball to you Euros..
It does look like big oversized olive...
BUT its wicked fun!!

And as you can see from these pics...
The food changed with the moving our butts around..
Salads and energy drinks...

We deserved....

Beers at the beach!!!!
Moaaa haaha!!

But my milky white Polar skin...
was FREEZING!!!!!
Check out the goose bumps!

But all good things must come to an end as they say...
And my Boo had to go home...

I thought i was gonna see him in mid June :)

But the universe wanted it different...
cause i lost my wonderful Grandma right after he left..
and i went back home to say my goodbyes..

I did NOT move to a cottage in the woods :)

I´m alive and kicking!!!

Life has thrown me a few curb balls these last couple of months..
but i rode the storm off!!!
But these months have also contained moments that shows how beautiful life can be...
and how important family and friends are to be genuinely happy :) 

In April i went to states that i haven´t been to before (yippie!!) :D -
to be a reporter for the acclaimed reality show called "My little Norway"(Alt for Norge)!
I had a blast with a great crew, and i met some wonderful people on the way!

My four "peeps" in the show are Dakota, Paul, Mary and Tom!

Look for them this Sunday on TVNorge at 8pm 

You GO guys, i am rooting for you!
Here is a shot of last years cast

Lookin´wicked right??